
Friday, November 11, 2011


dengan ini...


Sunday, November 6, 2011

salam aidiladha..

sory lambat wish plak kt kowang~
selamat ari raya aidiladha..
bnyk la lembu2 kne korban arini yer...
konpem peti ais kowng full wit daging jew..
bile lgi kn nk dapt daging freee..
time nie la org rmai bagi dging free kt kite~

kite bakor jew kambing nie~~
bwat sate!! yeeaahh!!
skali lgi, slmat ari raye ye!! ^_^

[p/s: got diz picta from ijan tahir pnye blog... sowey amek from kamu.. me xpndai nk lukis lorh~]

Saturday, November 5, 2011

seronok stalk org?

haaa~~ seronok kew??
isshh2~~ me thu lorh u add me coz u nk skodeng~
di sebabkn nk sgt skodeng me, me apprve je la..
*but i know who u are, whre u'r from, n who's ur bff..*
bwat ape la nk skodeng kn, bwat skit ati je...
so baep xyah la...

kalo ikhlas nk be fren dlm fb tu me x kesh.
nie dh apprve, xsmpai sehari dh unfwen balik?
nmpk sgt~ hahahhaa.. lwak la u olls nie~

like diz la niat u olls add me..
sbb nk skodeng yg nie kn2??
kne x? kne x? lalalla~

[p/s: xyah la skodeng2.. me x amek thu psal u olls, so u olls xyah la amek thu psal me~ me good2 jew. sihat walafiat jew nie haa~ hahahhaa..]

Thursday, November 3, 2011

the history..

based on tajuk aku tu "history"
mksdunye aku akn cite ape yg aku x cite dlu2~
hehehhe~ xsempat lorh nk cite..

nie pom baru strt cuti mid sem!!
yeeaaayy~~ bru dpt berblogging~
lgipom line kt sne x xkuat! geram2~~

oke! back to our story la kn~
a lots of memory yg paling best on that month...

saye dh KONVO!!
dats the tajuk yg 1st nie yer...
me baru je grad from diploma human resource~
skejap la plak rase study, pdahal 3 taun.

waahh~~ berjaye dh kami~~

acecece~ i beratur nk amek tu~
peewwiit2~~ senyum sket!!

thanks to all family member yg dtg!
tq abah n mii didik adik until berjaya!
jasa mu di kenang~ luv u!

kami wit our granny~ "tokma"
peace yoohh!

peewwiit2~~ "tngkap gmba sye ke bang??"
malu sye.. aauuww~ hehehehe~

mne camera?? tuuuuu~~
(mood: hepi yer u ollss~)

lastly.. thanks thanks thanks thanks n very very very thanks~
see u next graduation yaa!!

xdpt nk uplod bnyk gmba cni,
selebih nye u olls can tngk dlm fb..

[p/s: penat kowt duk ngEDIT gamba~ hehehe.. ]